The Top 5 Specialist Attorneys

Friday, May 28, 2010

The importance of finding a specialist attorney cannot be overstated. In this respect, law is like medicine. A general practitioner frequently refers patients to doctors who are more qualified to deal with specific issues. Within law, there are a few specialties that are broad enough to be common place. These include bankruptcy law, tax law, DUI/DWI specialists (which is also handled by the following specialty), criminal defense, and finally, family law.

Bankruptcy lawyers are highly specialized. They provide legal expertise for individuals and business enterprise. They frequently accomplish this by dissolving old debts through the skilled liquidation of the client's assets. The funds can then be distributed to creditors as they see fit. They can also settle the issue by creating a court-sanctioned plan of restructuring. A bankruptcy lawyer will guides clients toward the proper financial resolution.

When individuals find themselves overwhelmed with taxes, they should definitely consult with a tax lawyer to discover their options. Tax fines can get out of control. It's always advisable to fully address the problem as soon as possible so that concerns can be resolved before they are too large. Delaying resolution until the final hour can be more costly; it can even result in jail time for some. Tax attorneys are adept in these areas.

The penalties for DUI/DWI cases are getting more complicated. And while it's true that there are guidelines in place for the court to follow, other unforeseen factors can influence the outcome. Sentencing in a DUI case is always affected by the unique facts of the case itself. For example, any weaknesses that are uncovered by the defense attorney can make a huge difference in the outcome. Because of this, look for an attorney specializing in these kinds of cases. Obviously, finding the right DWI/DUI attorney is of the utmost concern when an individual is charged with drunk driving.

The nuances of criminal defense call for representation that knows the area completely. In every step of a criminal case, the value of the right representation is clear. At every stage of the litigation process, starting at the investigation and moving into the preliminary proceedings, a competent defense attorney is crucial. This is especially true when plea-bargaining is involved.

Family law is commonly associated with divorce. But in reality, family law attorneys deal with a variety of cases. For example, requests for adoption may come under the heading of the family law specialist. In this case, the lawyer must gain permission for a client to adopt. And of course, divorce is an issue that family lawyer is skilled at dealing with. With a high divorce rate and complex state divorce codes, couples may eventually need to seek an attorney who specializes in family law.

While there are many other types of law specialties, these are the most common. The importance of finding the right attorney for the area of law in question is crucial. Indeed, when it involves a criminal investigation, it can be the difference between severe penalties and those that are significantly more moderate.

Los angeles dui lawyer


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