What Are the Types of DUI Tests That Can Be Used Against You?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Driving under the influence is a common offense in any State. Often, DUI has caused serous injuries to other people on the streets and sometimes often lead to death of innocent bystanders. The traffic officers have been very vigilant when it comes to apprehending drivers intoxicated by alcohol or even drugs. Anywhere you go, you can see that highway patrol officers are always on the lookout for these felons.

When an officer apprehends you and would like to see if you are DUI, do not hesitate to let them administer tests on you, this is done to be certain whether you are indeed driving under the influence. There is no need to worry, when a police officer pulls you to the side of the road, since they would not do anything to you unless they can find out for themselves that you are not DUI, and you can go on driving until you reach your destination. Police officers administer certain tests to find out if the driver indeed is not intoxicated with alcohol. These tests include a Breathalyzer, Intoxilyzer, and an Alcosensor.

A Breathalyzer estimates the blood alcohol content of the body, or simple BAC. All a driver must do is to blow some air straight onto the device, it would automatically read the content of your breath and if you pass the required amount then you are just free to go. On the other hand, if your breath reflects an excess of the required BAC, then you are in a bit of trouble. These testers are really sensitive to temperature, and sometimes give false readings which would really work against you. So instead of not having any alcohol detected, you could be charged with DUI.

An Intoxilyzer also works like a Breathalyzer. The name itself sounds really formidable however problems have surfaced in relation to the use of this device in testing for DUI offenses. A court in Florida found an anomaly in the operation of the Intoxilyzer that stems from the software that controls it. Hence, this could not be made as a reliable source that would convict you of DUI.

The Alcosensor is another breath testing device that would determine whether you have an excessive amount of alcohol in your system. This device however is not passable as evidence in court to convict you of a DUI charge. There are cases where cops use this device to apprehend you immediately, but when it comes to actual evidence that would be presented in court, the results of the Alcosensor could not be countenanced.


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