DUI Charges

Thursday, June 10, 2010

DUI charges are incurred when a person is caught drunk driving. It is a record that the person has been charged with an offense - but it does not necessarily mean that they were found guilty. If a person is the found guilty, it will be entered into their criminal record and become a public record.

The record of a charge is kept by the police, as it will be useful in future investigations. So it is useful, but in itself it proves nothing.

So, what leads to DUI charges? To be charged, a person needs to be driving under the influence of alcohol. This means that the individual has consumed a quantity of alcohol considered to be sufficient to impair his or her judgment, and is driving a vehicle. It is important to note that the person's driving can be perfect, and they can still face this charge.

This happens when the police press "par se" charges. They can only do this if there is a record of a person's blood alcohol levels, so other tests do not count.

Following a successful conviction for DUI charges, many first time offenders will be required to attend AA meetings or special classes. In some cases, a breathalyzer may be attached to their car's ignition to prevent the car from starting when they have consumed alcohol.

As a criminal conviction enters into the public records, it is possible for people to search for and find DUI charges. Usually, this would require them to contact the local courthouse where the offense was tried. However, there are websites that allow us to search for this information nationwide. m your record.

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