Know in Advance What to Do During and After You Receive a Traffic Ticket So You Beat the Ticket

Monday, June 14, 2010

What is a motorists worst nightmare? One might say that nothing could be worse than being pulled over and issued a ticket for a speeding or other related traffic violation. To add insult to injury, no driver likes to find out that they are going to be fined and lose some points off their license. This is also a real threat to anyone who has only a few points remaining before they lose their license completely. To avoid that and possibly even avoid having to pay a fine thanks to the ticket being dismissed, here are some tips to help you beat a speeding or other related traffic ticket.

The first and most common sense thing to do is relax and admit to nothing. When you are pulled over, comply with the police officers request. Place your both your hands on the wheel so that when they approach they are as relaxed as possible and can see that you are not going to cause trouble. Admit to nothing. It is a very common trick for police offers to try and get you to confess to speeding or whatever reason they pulled you over for. If you do this, then the case is closed. You will be unable to fight any ticket they issue you. Simply answer their questions and play dumb. With some luck they might let you off with a stern warning.

If you aren't lucky enough to get off with a warning, then the next thing you'll need to do is take it to court. This might sound a little drastic, but the good news is that taking any traffic violation to court is an easy way to win and over it dismissed. You won't be fine or lose any points. How is this possible? Depending on the state you are in, it is common for police officers to not turn up to court cases for minor speeding related crimes. If the issuing officer does not show up, the ticket will be ripped up and you will have won the case.

Using the tips above you will discover that it is actually possible to fight traffic tickets and win. Before you take any case to court, always be sure you know the facts and where you stand. With some luck you may find that the officer who gave you the ticket is too busy anyway and your case is thrown out.


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